/ std@0.224.0 / toml / testdata / comment.toml

# This is a full-line comment # Comment line starting with whitespaces (#823 case 3) foo = "..." str0 = 'value' # This is a comment at the end of a line str1 = "# This is not a comment" # but this is str2 = """ # this is not a comment! A multiline string with a # # this is also not a comment """ # this is definitely a comment str3 = ''' "# not a comment" # this is a real tab on purpose # not a comment ''' # comment point0 = { x = 1, y = 2, str0 = "#not a comment", z = 3 } # comment point1 = { x = 7, y = 8, z = 9, str0 = "#not a comment"} # comment [deno] # this comment is fine features = ["#secure by default", "supports typescript # not a comment"] # Comment caused Issue #7072 url = "" # comment is_not_node = true # comment # """ # ''' [toml] # Comment caused Issue #7072 (case 2) name = "Tom's Obvious, Minimal Language" objectives = [ # Comment "easy to read", # Comment "minimal config file", "#not a comment" # comment ] # comment

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